Ex Cops

Album Title: Daggers
Record Label: Downtown Records
Review by John Noyd
(2315) Page Views

Ex Cops - DaggersEx Cops - Daggers

Giving in to their deep-seated pop impulses, Ex Cops shed their freshmen effort’s knotted indie-jangle for a smoother, silkier sound. Cultivating a beautiful fusion of sweeping sequined grooves, the bright brooding duo have built a glossy monster whose lean, careening struts carry nefarious feelings to breathless heights, capturing a bastion of pivoting rhythms packing fractured passion inside bombastic hooks. A dazzling cabaret crushing lush constructions leveraged with edgy cleverness and heady synthetics, “Daggers,” staggers its neo-romantic talents to tackle heartbreak and ecstasy, vetting guilty pleasures through world-class flash anchored in well-honed craft, seamless neon dreams and prime electro-diva delights. All dressed up with places to go, the supple couple open up for rock’s stylish beguilers, DUM DUM GIRLS, October 23rd at Madison’s High Noon Saloon.

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