Fantastic Negrito

Album title: Have You Lost Your Mind Yet?
Record Label: Cooking Vinyl
by John Noyd
July 2020
(540) Page Views

Fantastic Negrito - Have You Lost Your Mind Yet?

Fantastic Negrito - Have You Lost Your Mind Yet?

Action-packed melodramatics dipped in soul-assisted sizzle,” Lost,” back-talks in consciousness-raised exorcisms, casting out demonic preponderance with headline-grabbing stabs, contagious salacious tastes, pumped pulpit polemics and cartoon falsettos. Streetwise post-ironic operettas woke to urban-legend amendments, Fantastic Negrito’s possessed personas groan and moan with fierce hep-cat testaments delivered with revival-tent intentions and rallying ballyhoo, eliciting stinging organ wipe-outs alongside gut-wrenching guitar meltdowns.

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