Album title: Please Have A Seat
Record Label: Secretly Canadian
by John Noyd
September 2022
(337) Page Views

 NNAMDÏ - Please Have A Seat

NNAMDÏ - Please Have A Seat

Hyper-imaginative future-pop grafting carefully caustic math-rock onto auto-tuned patch-bay prog-soul fusion, “Seat,” treats aural alienists to immaculate sensory assaults and candid romance, equally smug and modest, sly and honest. Astonishing melodic rounds circle fractal magnificence as NNAMDÏ hammers home ear-worm sound-quakes, lifting cartoon doom into trippy introspection while super-pumped joystick licks pitch gear-shifting mischief and tender frenzy for charming tsunamis.

Purchase Please Have A Seat on Amazon

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