
Album Title: Plex
Record Label: City Slang
Review by John Noyd
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Fazer - PlexFazer - Plex

Placid jazz backed by Afrobeat Kautrock, the pleasant, intersectional, “Plex,” rests on post-bop launchpads whose stream-lined punctual funk jumps under smoldering twin-drummer grooves while spidery guitar, languid bass and voluptuous trumpet build vivid bridges over swift rivers. Chill yet willful, the German quintet’s distinct insistence weaves between eclectic musical territories carving safe harbors from foggy consciousness. A textured collective, Fazer fleshes sketches, stretches overlapping genres and wrestles polysyllabic collaborations, trading tempos, leads and moods to keep interests evolving, bright and chatty, mellow and meditative. Crisp precision, bold, but in control, the band’s energy juggles supple and eruptive, engaging and blazing in intercontinental conventions, treaties and alliances formed with refined compliance, integrating impatience into curious sensations whose lulling hustle shifts in rippling pictures and smooth opportunities.   

Fazer Online