Death Angel

Album Title: The Dream Calls For Blood
Record Label: Nuclear Blast
Review by Sal Serio
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Death Angel - The Dream Calls For BloodDeath Angel - The Dream Calls For Blood

‘The Dream Calls For Blood’ is Death Angel’s 7th studio release, and is engineered and co-produced by Jason Suecof. For a band with an over 25 year history (starting when they were teenagers) Death Angel sounds as tight, frantic, hungry, and as serious as ever. Drummer Will Carroll’s relentless tempos and pummeling double-bass-drum attack blasts the casual listener right over top of their easy chair.

There is a secret bonus track cover version of the Dio-era Black Sabbath song “Heaven And Hell”, but otherwise all songs are composed by founding members Rob Cavestany and/or Mark Osegueda. Osegueda’s vocal performance is a prime example of what makes good metal exciting: an impressive range, passionate delivery, and unwavering intent/conviction. The twin guitar assault of Cavestany and Ted Aguilar is reminiscent of the best duel guitar attacks in all hard rock music, blending together to form one huge sound, or harmonized twin lead solos, leaving it no wonder that there’s an obvious Metallica similarity present (both groups hail from the Bay area).

Hopefully this excellent new release gives Death Angel the push they need to reclaim their status as a headlining force in the live metal arena. Stand out new tracks include: “The Dream Calls For Blood”, “Caster Of Shame”, and “Heaven And Hell”.

Death Angel Online