20 Reasons Taken

Album Title: Through This Fight
Record Label: 20 Reasons Taken/Sidekick Entertainment
Review by Sal Serio
(2527) Page Views

20 Reasons Taken - Through This Fight20 Reasons Taken - Through This Fight

Milwaukee area poppy hard-rockers, 20 Reasons Taken, have just put out their third release, Through This Fight. While the group sometimes brings a hip-hop element to their jams, this CD is all rock ‘n’ roll.

The eight songs featured define the pop-rock manifesto of concise, no-frills arrangements. Hyper-pulsed drumming and layered guitar tracks punctuate their crunchy new rock sound, which is driven by vocalist Mison Bones’ emotive singing. At times, Bones’ vocalizing brings to mind some surprising associations to the bygone pop rock/new wave era.

Bones and his three tunesmith co-conspirators take a more sensitive approach to their music via real singing (rather than screaming), intelligent and thought provoking lyrics, staccato rhythms, galloping yet shifting tempos, and tasty lead guitar fills that avoid the typical metal shredding cliché. The music still sounds tough even given the more tempered edge that their brand of hard rock displays. A solid recording, mixing, and mastering job by Whit at DNA Studios brings all of these unique qualities shimmering to the surface of Through This Fight ’s listening experience.

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