Alkaline Trio

by Chris Fox
November 2008

Chicago's Alkaline Trio

Chicago's Alkaline Trio

Riding the release of their latest album, “Agony & Irony,” ALKALINE TRIO has hit the road. The band started in late ‘96 with an upbeat, melodic sound with dark, realistic lyrics that slowly but strongly developed a dedicated following. Though big on the punk scene, the band strives to cross barriers and bring in fans from all walks of life.

Derek Grant (drums) said the new album is “getting back to the basics” as they put more concentration on content rather than layering and perfecting instrumentations. Through several previous albums, the writing fashion had become monotonous, so they took a stripped down, more natural approach to the production of “Agony & Irony.” The essence of their songs has remained the same and as the fan base continues to grow, the songs remain relatable and tend to touch a nerve that most bands avoid. Grant says, “we’ve never taken the easy route in any shape or form, we aren’t a band that is born out of convenience,” and this, he explains, is why their following remains strong.

The rollercoaster of gigs and tour events has taken its toll on the band, but Grant says they continue to love every tour. Working with a charity group called Free The West Memphis Three, they plan to go out on a headlining tour, after they finish supporting RISE AGAINST on their current excursion. They plan to continue proving their place in the musical world with growing crowds of happy faces and dedicated listeners. Grant feels the most rewarding thing is meeting new and different individuals. Grant says, “I want to meet as many people as I can before I leave this Earth, and when I say leave this Earth, I mean on a spaceship.”

ALKALINE TRIO will be in Milwaukee at The Rave on November 17 with their upbeat songs and dark messages. Grant says, “whether we have 5, 500 or 5000 people, playing shows makes it worth everything.”

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Alkaline Trio Online:

Alkaline Trio
CD: Agony & Irony Record Label: Epic Records
Purchase Agony & Irony on Amazon
Download Agony & Irony on Amazon