Atomic Bitchwax

an interview with drummer Keith Ackerman
by Jeff Muendel
October 1999

Atomic Bitchwax

Atomic Bitchwax

I got to talk to Keith Ackerman, drummer of The Atomic Bitchwax , about his band, their guitarist, Ed Mundell (who also plays in Monster Magnet), and their upcoming tour. The Atomic Bitchwax are a jam-driven hard rock group with sparse vocals, a taste for trippy guitar effects, and extended song structures. Hailing from New Jersey, this band plays heavy metal in the old school way without pretense and at high volume.

Maximum Ink: How did the band come up with the name The Atomic Bitchwax?
Keith Ackerman:
One day when we were first jamming, I came down to the rehearsal hall and the guys said “Tell us the first word that comes to your mind!” I said “Bitch.” Evidentally, Ed (Mundell) had chosen the word “atomic” and Chris (Kosnik) had chosen the word “wax.” Put it all together and you’ve got…

MI: How is it having Ed Mundell of the very-successful Monster Magnet in your band?
It hasn’t been a problem so far. We recorded the album before Ed left on tour, and while he was gone, we mixed it and mastered it. Now he’s back and ready to tour with The Atomic Bitchwax. We were actually together with Ed before he was in Monster Magnet … the three of us go back to 1992.

MI: I think you guys sound a bit like early Monster Magnet. Would you agree, or do you find that insulting?
Well, early Monster Magnet is the best Monster Magnet, so the comparison is a compliment.

MI: You guys wrote twenty-five songs for the album. How did you narrow it down to nine?
: The band wanted different songs, a broad spectrum of feels. The narrowing down just sort of came naturally. Some were obviously in and some were obviously a little

MI: How long will your tour be and where will you go?
I know we play in Wisconsin sometime in October, but I don’t know exactly when or where off the top of my head. The bill will be Core, Nebula, and us. We’ll probably be out there for a little over two months. Come and see us!

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