Doomsday 2011

An interview with Doomsday creator and coordinator Lawrence Weeks
by Aaron Manogue
February 2011

Doomsday 2011

Doomsday 2011

Anyone who pays any type of attention to music knows it’s becoming harder and harder for quality bands to break into the music scene. With social media becoming ever popular and new ways of sharing music making music distribution easier for bands, there are more new bands now than whiney teenage girls who praise Justin Beiber like he’s the second coming of Jesus (and that’s saying something). So, for all the metal-heads out there, this means you are oversaturated with stumbling, offbeat double bass beats and ear drum bursting shrieks. Luckily, I have a cure for these metal doldrums by way of an event called Doomsday 2011. An annual event started back in 2000 that gives us all hope that there truly is good, high quality, kick your ass music still left out there. Maximum Ink sat down with event creator and coordinator Lawrence Weeks, to discuss the event and hear what sets this event apart from the rest.

Maximum Ink : Tell us where it all started? Who started the event, why, and when?
Lawrence Weeks: Doomsday’s origins came from bands who normally didn’t play The Rave in Milwaukee, and those who wanted to be a part of a larger show than they could have put done on their own. The original intent for the first Doomsday was to play the main stage of The Rave, but we had to start small and gain momentum to do that. The first Doomsday was in 2000 so we called it “Doomsday 2000” and kept the current year in the name ever since. I got the idea from watching Toe Tag Productions putting on shows having everyone pitch in to cover the rental costs.

MI: What makes this event different from other events that go on around the area?
LW: Doomsday is different because it is the product of a lot of different ideas from many bands who played over the years. The event is also different because it is nearly impossible to get metal-heads to come out to see a bunch of local acts. We had to make it a three ring circus to draw interest. Doomsday is meant as a showcase for newer bands to play at The Rave, gather new fans in Milwaukee, and network with established locals to show swap.

MI: What does an event like this mean to the bands that get to come out and play?
LW: This event is big for bands because they know that everyone will see them. They know that they will be in the limelight, and this is the event to make their debut. A lot of Chicago bands play this event to break into the Milwaukee scene.

MI: Why do you think this event has been able to survive for over a decade now?
LW: Doomsday survives because everyone (except idiots) believes in it. The show’s focus is on the local bands at a large and predominate venue. Some bands play The Rave to open for big national acts, but the focus on those shows isn’t on them. Only Doomsday is the one true metal showcase for metal bands in the Midwest.

MI: What’s new this year?
LW: This year we have many new bands that haven’t performed at Doomsday before. We will also see which Rave employee I will make cry from yelling at them again this year like I did last year. That is always a treat.

MI: What is the lineup?
LW: This year, we have more brutal heavy bands than before. Some years lean towards punk, some lean towards doom, but this year will be more of your old school smash mouth bands with deep grooves and heavy drums.

MI: Anything else you’d like to say about the show?
LW: Doomsday does cater to the fans as well. We keep ticket prices low so there is no reason you shouldn’t come. The event is only 10 dollars to see 15 bands on three stages. We also pride ourselves in having kick-ass vendors selling cool, underground music and swag you won’t find in some trendy Hot Topic.

You can check out Doomsday 2011 at The Rave on March 19th, 2011.

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