Emily Bear

An interview with pianist/composer Emily Bear
by Tina Hall
November 2010

Emily Bear

Emily Bear

At the age of 9, Emily Bear has accomplished more than most of us could ever hope for! She began studying piano at the age of 5 at The Music Institute of Chicago. She also made her first professional debut performing solo at Ravinia Music Festival in July of 2007. Emily performed at the White House in 2008. That same year she was awarded the ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Competition Award. She made her orchestral debut at age seven as well. She is the youngest person ever asked to study at The Aspen Music Festival. Emily has released four Cd’s, partial profits from each are donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities, Susan G. Komen for The Cure, and The Children’s Hospitals of Los Angeles and Chicago.She plays jazz, classical, or her own compositions with ease.

Maximum Ink: Can you tell us a little about where you are from? What would you say is your favorite childhood memory so far?
Emily Bear: My favorite memory was playing at the White House and also all the amazing places where I have performed. My favorite non-musical memory is apple picking with my family and family game night!

MI: What was it like to began your training at age 5?
EB: So much fun!! My teacher would always make the lessons fun and I loved to practice for the lessons. He would also draw funny things in my music notebook.

MI: Why do you think you love to play the piano so much?
EB: Because it is just so much fun. Whenever I play I feel like I am in a different world that is full of music.

MI: A portion of your album sales so to charity. Do you feel it is important to help others?
EB: I love to give back from something I love to do so much.

MI: What is your favorite piece to play?
EB: It always changes but it is usually the newest piece I composed.

MI: What was it like to perform at the White House at such an early age? Were you nervous?
EB: It was awesome and I was VERY excited to be there!

MI: You have appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show several times. What was that like? Do you like being on television?
EB: I was on the Ellen Show 6 times and it was so much fun each time. They are very nice there and have great snacks in the dressing rooms!!! Ellen is so funny!

MI: What do you like to do when you aren’t working on your music?
EB: I love to read and play with my sister and brother. I also like to do arts and crafts and bake with my Mom.

MI: You are working on Tim Janis: An American Christmas Carol. Do you enjoy working with the cast? Would you recommend others see this show for the Holidays?
EB: Tim is so nice and is so talented. I am so honored to be included in this special show and can’t wait to make my Carnegie Hall debut!  I will also be on Tim’s show, Voices of America this year.

MI: What do you like most about Christmas yourself?
EB:  All the good feelings and all the pretty decorations. Also having extra time with my family during school break.

MI:  Do you have any advice to offer others who are just learning to play?
EB: Make practicing fun and always try your best!

MI: What projects can your fans look forward to next?
EB: I’m releasing a new CD of original music.

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