Sons Of Silver

by Tommy Rage
February 2021

Sons Of Silver

Sons Of Silver

Are there really such things as SUPER GROUPS? You know, the bands that are put together with well-known musicians who put out an album as a new group. Past super groups have included famous collections of musicians such as Slash, Scott Weiland, Duff McKagan in Velvet Revolver; Tom Petty, George Harrison, Roy Orbison in The Traveling Wilburys; or Chris Cornell, Tom Morello, and Tim Commerford in Audioslave.

You could throw in groups such as Cream, Temple Of The Dog, and The Highwaymen, but let’s add another to the list – Sons of Silver. The group is comprised of front man Peter Argyropoulos of Pete RG, original Pearl Jam drummer Dave Krusen, Candlebox bassist Adam Kury, key-boardist Brina Kabler, and former Skillet guitarist Kevin Haaland. These talented musicians have teamed up to release a new EP this year called Doomsday Noises

Stemming from spin-off jam sessions in 2019, the foretelling five-song set was written before the COVID-19 pandemic, before the death of George Floyd and the ongoing protests that began in response, and before armed civilians and militia groups surged into public view. Songs like “Outbreak” and “Read ‘Em Their Rights” speak to the current temperature of our times. Minus the intent to make any social or political statements, Candlebox bassist Adam Kury, explains how the group collaborated to make a present-day synopsis. “These songs were all written before all this stuff happened. I think the reason that the songs are fitting the times, and their relevant is because as a group, when we get together, we talk about life and things. Honestly. We decompress in the studio. One of the things that we have is, and it’s a great luxury, is that it’s Peter’s studio. We’re not being billed by the hour [laughter]. So, in between takes, we sit down and relax and shoot the shit. When Peter sits down to do its lyrics, he draws from the conversations that we have, as well as anything else in your life. So, these are things that we talked about before they happen, looking at things that we saw brewing. These type of things just didn’t happen this year, we’ve had signs of potential for all of this here for many, many years.”

That cohesive and relaxed songwriting, from the lyrical standpoint and musical standpoint shows throughout Doomsday Noises. Former Skillet guitarist Kevin Haaland shares the band’s approach to putting together an EP filled with a current alt-rock feel to it. “I think the chemistry thing is super important on a musical level and on a personal level. You’re gonna spend a lot of time with the people that you’re gonna play with. It’s actually my favorite thing about this band, we’re all friends, we all hang out,” adds keyboardist Brina Kabler, “It’s just the natural chemistry that’s between everybody, and when you spend all these hours on the road with each other, sometimes in a small van, you have to be really comfortable with each other or it doesn’t work. When you are playing all together all the time, it just adds a whole other layer. I think that when you see us all together, we are enjoying each other genuinely, we spend a lot of time together, and we work really hard at practicing everything, so that it just comes naturally.”

With three previous EPs released, two in 2016 and another in 2017, the band has toured extensively over the last four years. Throughout those tours and prior EPs, the band found perfect harmony and zeal for their latest release, Doomsday Noises. This well-balanced unity has been on full display during the Sons of Silver recent live streams. Scheduling additional live streams in 2020, the group capitalizes on their years of experience from their previous bands. Mixing modish melodies with contemporary guitar riffs and dap drum grooves, all five songs are balanced and arranged into a cutting-edge collection. Posting a video via their website for “Deep Division” Peter’s strong voice reflects the band’s tight indie-rock feel. “World On Fire”, closes out the EP and jabs at our current situation with our social and political troubles. Laughs former Pearl Jam drummer Dave Krusen, “It’s our psychic abilities.” 

A fitting anthem for 2020, Doomsday Noises speaks to all fans of mature college-rock and well-penned social poetry. Sharing what’s next for the L.A. based band, singer Peter Argyropoulos boasts of more to come from Sons of Silver. “We have another EP that we’re putting the finishing touches on, and that will be out sometime, probably March of 2021. The songs are finished, and on top of that, we have at least another EP of material already recorded, and a bunch of songs for another EP after that. We’re remaining very active and building up our catalog. We’ll be playing them for our live streams, as well as when we get back on the road. And when we get back on the road, on a good stage in front of people, it’s gonna be like someone let a wildebeest loose [laughter]; we’re just gonna run. We can’t wait for it!”

Doomsday Noises speaks to those looking for the social bullhorn of alt-rock music. Embracing a musical transition to the modern music scene, combined with socially aware topics, and contemporary grooves, all five band members shine on their new release. By capitalizing on their robust careers and combining their talents into a new collective, Sons of Silver has emerged as the new super group of the present day.

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