Sweet Cyanide

by Alexandra Radel
July 2009

Sweet Cyanide

Sweet Cyanide

With songs titled “Suicide Love Machine,” “Certain Shadows on the Wall,” “Crash Theory,” and “Heartbreaker” these four New York rockers put a new spin on sex, drugs, and rock n roll. Sweet Cyanide is an electric collision of two respected New York bands, Crashbox and Moment Theory. The band consists of Sal Scoca and Angelo Fariello from Crashbox and Mike Bambrace and Joe Salvatore from Moment Theory. When the two bands were active Crashbox sold over 5,000 copies, and Moment Theory was recognized by Billboard’s independent songwriter’s contest.

Sweet Cyanide’s self-titled album drops July 7. Immediately following the release of their album they will be doing some regional touring through August. The first song on the album, “Crash Theory,” will also be the first single. Be listening for “Crash Theory” on the radio in early Sept. Currently, Sweet Cyanide is working out the kinks for opening slots in the fall with some big named bands.

So, what sets Sweet Cyanide a part from every other modern rock band? It’s their edgy 70’s arena-rock vibe with a dark glam twist. Scoca explains their music as, “poisonous and irresistibly tasty.” Their unique sound is a mix of Queen meets David Bowie meets Black Sabbath.

“We’re more than just a modern rock group, we wanted to make a record that we personally would also love to hear, like they used to do in the 70’s,” Scoca said. “We try to write songs that you can love 20 years from now.”

Sweet Cyanide may only be one-year old, but they are on fire, ready to blow-up from coast to coast. “You will definitely be seeing and hearing us all over the country,” said Scoca.

After you find your nearest music store and buy the album, check out Sweet Cyanide at www.sweetcyanide.com and also at www.myspace.com/sweetcyanidenyc.

MAXIMUM INK: Sweet Cyanide is such a unique name, how did you guys come up with it?
SAL SCOCA: Sweet Cyanide was actually the name of my very first rock group in high school. I always swore I would resurrect the name Sweet Cyanide . . . the time has come!”

MAX INK: You guys are a new band releasing your first CD, what was it like to record an album?
SAL SCOCA: A lot of work . . . the job never ends, writing it, recording it, mixing it, but it is still a job that I wouldn’t mind doing every day.

MAX INK: How do you want your fans to perceive Sweet Cyanide?
SCOCA: As a breath of fresh air in a stagnant music scene. The saviors of Rock n Roll maybe?
That would be awesome.

MAX INK: I hear that you guys are a bunch of crazy, wild animals out to just have fun, is that true?
SCOCA: No, it’s all lies. There’s a time and place for everything, but we’re never really sure when or where, so just to play it safe, we’re just insane all the time. Overall, we’re pretty well-balanced guys, we spend equal amounts of time working on the band, going out partying, and hanging with strippers.

MAX INK: Who did you idolize growing up?
SCOCA: The Beatles. I love John Lennon, I have a Lennon tattoo on my arm. That’s probably the one tattoo I would not mind having for the rest of my life. I also idolized my dopey older brother, he actually got me into playing guitar. He was like the neighborhood Elvis when we were growing up, minus the singing ability and the dancing skills.

MAX INK: What is on the recent played list on your IPod?
SCOCA: The Wild Hearts, new Marilyn Manson, Guns n Roses, Imani Coppla- the black and white album . . . and best of all, the new Sweet Cyanide demo stuff that we started recording this past Spring.

MAX INK: How did you personally get into music?
SCOCA: It’s the only thing I was really good at. I stunk in school and I have no real skills. I can’t make a paper airplane and nevermind building something like a car or a house. But I do play a mean guitar and write a decent tune.

MAX INK: Give me four words that best describes Sweet Cyanide.
SCOCA: crazysexycool, is that one word or three? I need one more word . . . rock or how about the time has come or New York rock n roll.

Alexandra’s trademark question:

ALEXANDRA: If you could be a crayon, what color would you be and why?
SCOCA: Pink, pink is the first crayon that most girls go for.
ALEXANDRA: Oh, you’re a ladies’ man!
SCOCA: Not really, but I would love to be!

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Sweet Cyanide
CD: Sweet CyanidePurchase Sweet Cyanide on Amazon