Maneesh de Moor

Album title: Icaro
Record Label: Pachamama Records
Rating: 10
by Andrew Frey
June 2019
(941) Page Views

Maneesh de Moor - Icaro

Maneesh de Moor - Icaro

An Icaro (or sonic pattern) is a melody traditionally received by a shaman journeying in the spirit world. The Icaros contained here are contemporary interpretations of Icaros derived from Shipibo tradition, and altered to be played on special flutes, made of Tobacco branch and ancient wood. The recordings are nested amid original field recordings of the Amazon jungle by night and are highlighted by instruments like the ‘Chakapa’, an instrument made of leaves from the ancient Chakapa bush, which provides a very trance-like groove mated to the heart beating rhythms of a shaman’s drum. Superbly done!

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