
Album title: Oddfellows
Record Label: Ipecac
Rating: 8
by Andrew Frey
March 2013
(2321) Page Views

Tomahawk - Oddfellows

Tomahawk - Oddfellows

After a 6 year hiatus, I was pleasantly surprised to find out their fourth LP briefly hit the Billboard charts. Not sure if that’s due to it being produced by Black Keys producer Collin Dupuis or from the lineup being more stellar than ever with Trevor Dunn (Fantomas/Melvins) on bass and John Stanier (Helmet/Battles) on drums joining Duane Denison (Jesus Lizard) on guitar and the ever phenomenal Mike Patton (too many bands to list) on vocals. The stripped down heavy rock veers to and fro, venturing down dark alleys and introverted assessments, blessed with Patton’s ever morphing and changing vocals while rubbing up against delirious guitar flows and their weirdly urgent thematic repartee. 

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