Letter To The People - May 2015

Publisher's Commentary
by Rökker

Allison Rocker TBT - Happy Birthday!

Allison Rocker TBT - Happy Birthday!

This issue is dedicated to The Inferno, their staff and patrons. For 19 years you have wrecked it, doing the impossible, hosting the improbable and the entire time remained classy. Everyone fit in at the Inferno, there were no boundaries to orientations, no judgment of style, belief, look, or fetish. The Inferno could be said to be the poster child of tolerance.

The Inferno was born about 9 months after Maximum Ink in December of 1996, we kinda came up toghter, so it is with a heartfelt salute that we bid you farewell. Apollo, thank you and I look forward to seeing what the world tosses you for your next endeavor.

40th Annual WPT Auction: Bid high and bid often! You’ll be hearing that from me later this month as I will be an on-air auctioneer for the upcoming fundraiser for Wisconsin Public Television. Tune in between May 27-31 to catch me describing local donated crafts and products, and you will even have a chance to bid on a gift certificate for a bottle of Rökker Vodka and some t-shirts! You can also go to the Manna Cafe on Sherman Ave. to view some of the artwork that will be auctioned.

Adventures with Nikko and Lizzie: Nikko received a medal for his performance in the Wisconsin School of Music Association competition. The smile on his face reminded me of a certain lion from Oz. I am very proud, I guess the acorn doesn’t fall far…

Lizzie wrapped up her Pom’s season with a grand performance in East Highschool’s theater doing all the hits! Next up: Prom. Wait till you see the dress!

Allison Rocker: To my beautiful wife whose birthday fell on my press day and her husband didn’t get her a card. Well, here is your card, honey! HAPPY BIRTHDAY thousands of times over. I’ll put this card around the town so that you’ll be reminded of this wonderful card for a month. Mention this card and receive a date-night on the town with your husband. This offer never expires.

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