Letter To The People - April 2008

Publisher's Commentary
by Rökker

Nikko and Timmers playing Xbox 360 - photo by Rokker

Nikko and Timmers playing Xbox 360
photo by Rokker

Hey Everybody!

MAX INK ANNIVERSARY PARTY: Wow, what a party! We had a lot of fun with El Donk, who played to quite a packed house at the Cardinal Bar in Madison last month. We gave away at least 200 gift packs from Red Letter News and at least 50 t-shirts and a few hundred dollars of tattoos from Ultimate Arts and Cap City Tattoo.

The beer ended up being Ambergeddon instead of Hopalicious, which I think was an upgrade! I love Ale Asylum beer, that’s for sure! Thanx to Otto and the crew for pitching in!!

And if you haven’t had my mom’s cookin’, you missed out! Cause she had a killer spread! Crab Rangoon, bacon wrapped chestnuts, avocado dip, deviled eggs… man, it’s making me hungry just thinking about it! Thanx mom, you rock!

Two local Madison musicians, Spyder and Ed Klug, came down to party as well, and for hours I think they plotted what their chances were to win the ESP guitar from Paradise Guitars. Statistics were in their favor, as Ed Klug walked away with the guitar. Ed’s a drummer, so the conversation on the way home must have been about how much Spyder, his guitarist, was gonna pay!!

BLUEHEELS: Congrats to Madison’s The Blueheels who will release their CD during a series of release parties around the state.  Maximum Ink will be down at the Majestic Theater on April 26th as a sponsor, so come on down an say hi!

WAMI: I hadn’t looked at the WAMI nominees in a few years as I’d pretty much thrown in the towel on that when the phone rang and a publicist for WAMI was congratulating me for being nominated for best print media. That was a surprise, and I chuckled mildy as I hurried to get back to the business of the day.

So curiousity got to me and I went to their website, WamiMusic.com to check the entire list. I was in for my second surprise as I noticed how “different’ the list was. The usual nominees were no where to be seen as I was faced with the most diverse list of nominees I can remember in at least 20 years!!

My next surprise came when I looked to find out who was on the board, and what do you know, the entire board changed over. A change I hadn’t thought possible… maybe there is yet hope. Who knows, maybe I’ll show up to their award party on April 28th at Turner Hall in Milwaukee and scare the hell out of ‘em!

ADVENTURES WTH NIKOLAI: Nikolai made it back to Video Game X-change to claim his evil prize, the Darth Maul action figure. He’s is like a Sithian GI Joe, kung fu grips and all! I bet Barbie is thinking, “how’s Ken gonna deal with that double-edge lightsaber?”

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