Letter To The People - February 2019

Publisher's Commentary
by Rökker

Lizzie & Nikko at the Bean in Chicago winter 2019

Lizzie & Nikko at the Bean in Chicago winter 2019

This month marks the end of 22 years of publishing Maximum Ink, 276 issues. That’s a lot of ink! And a lot of writers, distributors and calendar helpers along the way. Two writers have been with Max Ink since the beginning; John Noyd and Dave Leucinger. Mike Huberty has more than 20 and Andrew Frey has more than 10 years at Max Ink. Teri Barr has racked up a few now and Tommy Rage is in year 2. Now it’s time to welcome to new Max Inker, Adam Benevides, who started just this month.

Black Star Drum Line: The kids were fortunate enough to be selected to play at the Governor’s Inauguration Ball at the Monona Terrace last month and played as guests arrived.

The new season for Black Star Drum Line starts February 2nd at the Overture Center for Kids in the Rotunda. This is a really fun event to bring young kids and a few get chosen to come up on stage and bang the drums with the group. There are 3 performances at 9:30am, 11am and 1pm.

The 1pm performance will be filmed by the Wisconsin Department of Tourism for a promo video for their website. Come down and be a part of the studio audience!

Adventures with Lizzie and Nikko: Nikko has had a winter break that will become legend. First was teacher conventions, then MLK’s holiday, the snow days, and Polar Vortex closings. It couldn’t be a more perfect situation for a 16 year old. Even Lizzie scored a day off when the UW closed because of the record low temperatures, they never close. I think the Xbox and Netflix are all wore out, but at least Lizzie will be caught up on Game of Thrones for the new season.

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