Letter To The People - March 2020

Publisher's Commentary
by Rökker

Phoenix Camerah doing what she loved, wearing a Max Ink Radio backstage pass!

Phoenix Camerah doing what she loved, wearing a Max Ink Radio backstage pass!

This issue, #289, is dedicated to the memory of Kandy Burns. Kandy, also known as Phoenix Camerah, was one of the first on-air personalities to host a show on the fledgling Max Ink Radio internet station back in 2011. Kandy lived in southern Ontario but her sister Leona lives here in Madison and is known as Mrs. K, wife of Max Ink Radio’s Jimmy K. This started a Niagara-Madison connection as Kandy mixed southern Ontario local music and Wisconsin local music into her show. It was an odd fit, but Kandy’s dedication and dual city friendships made her show successful. Phoenix Camerah introduced me to a number of bands that I love from her neck of the woods. As a photographer, Phoenix Camerah caught the Niagara music scene like no other, amassing a prolific photo archive. Phoenix Camerah will be missed but not forgotten. She has been added to the Max Ink Hall of Fame.

Maximum Ink Anniversary: Happy 24th Birthday Maximum Ink! March 7, 1996 Maximum Ink magazine hit the streets with Ministry on the cover and a feature on Club De Wash remembered (it burned down on 2/18/96).

Bomblastica 2020: It’s been 4 years since the last Bomblastica, but the Party for the People is back! For those unaware, Bomblastica is an indoor music festival held in the spring to celebrate the anniversary of Maximum Ink and started in the year 2000. Bomblastica was always free admission and included FREE BEER.

Now, Bomblastica will also celebrate the anniversaries of Max Ink Radio and the radio station TALK 92.7 FM. The date is April 17th and the show will kick off at 5:30 PM with Dana Perry at the all-new Funk’s Pub. Bands will play 40 minute sets and the show will end at midnight. The show will be broadcast live on 92.7 FM starting at 6PM.

Rökker Realty: Homes in Madison listed in spring have a high rate of accepted offers. Whether you think you might be moving or just want to take advantage of the market while it’s hot. Let’s get together soon. See my ad on page 7 for more info.

Adventures with Nikko: New York City, Times Square, NY pizza, Ben, planes, trains, and automobiles…

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