Nils Frahm and Anne Mueller

Album title: 7fingers
Record Label: Hush
by John Noyd
July 2010
(2924) Page Views

Nils Frahm and Anne Mueller - 7fingers

Nils Frahm and Anne Mueller - 7fingers

Patiently threading ghostly cello among surly chirps, slippery blips and peek-a-boo beats, studio guru Frahm’s effervescent collaboration suggests interstellar pinball coated in sublime intertwining technologies. Shifting indiscriminately, “7fingers,” skims and dips, soars and skips, amassing raspy atmospheres - engineered yet mysteriously romantic and beautifully alien, suspension bridges melting into a hypnotic fog.

Purchase 7fingers on Amazon

Nils Frahm and Anne Mueller Website