John Hiatt with the Jerry Douglas Band

Album title: Leftover Feelings
Record Label: New West
by John Noyd
April 2021
(418) Page Views

John Hiatt with the Jerry Douglas Band - Leftover Feelings

John Hiatt with the Jerry Douglas Band - Leftover Feelings

Character-driven parables, honky-tonk sonnets cruising through bayou blues, “Leftover,” throws wistful wanderlust inside family celebrations, relaying fateful escapes and well-traveled nostalgia with rockabilly twang and moon-lit licks. Southern chronicler Hiatt lays campfire jams inside motorized daydreams placing the Jerry Douglas Band’s doleful dobro and slippery fiddle in the driver’s seat; low-riding revivalists revving heavenly melancholy beside sly Cajun boogie reprisals.

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