Parquet Courts

Album title: Light Up Gold
Record Label: What's Your Rupture?
by John Noyd
December 2012
(2065) Page Views

Parquet Courts - Light Up Gold

Parquet Courts - Light Up Gold

Kinked-up and callous, PC’s barbecued ballast blasts upfront punk bristling in casual swagger. Side-swiped, hot-wired and sand-blasted; the band’s scrawny garage-rock blues produces greasy treats from shearing lyrics and lightning-bolt solos weaving tight-fisted riffs from unvarnished carnage. Abrupt cuts rustle up whiplashed balderdash within grinning six-string fingering, rolling, “Gold,” over knotty white-water subplots into brawny honesty wrapped around devilish merriment.

Purchase Light Up Gold on Amazon

Parquet Courts Website