Neko Case

Album title: The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You
Record Label: Anti
by John Noyd
August 2013
(1865) Page Views

Neko Case - The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You

Neko Case - The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You

A passionate maverick whose nurturing assertions examine family abandonment, Case’s boldly told tales are iconic tonics spiked with intimate mysteries. Misfit gifts of casual confidence, strident kindness and placid tenacity dissect complex connections with strong-wills routed through militant resilience. Framed in twang and free-ranging harangues, “Harder,” harbors liberated fables; lean, dreamy, indie-pop thoughtfully pieced from personal concerns stirring incendiary insights.

Purchase The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You on Amazon

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